Thursday, December 11, 2014


          Janie is a young woman whose vision of love has been blinded by the society and people around her. Janie is a beautiful young woman; having the qualities of the perfect woman and would make the every man adore her. Although she is beautiful and looking for love, her idea of love is filled with false information. Her idea of love has been corrupted by the people around her; people say that she should marry immediately because she is too young to be on her own. Her grandmother is the greatest contributor to Janie's false idea of love, saying that love will come eventually after she marries.  Janie goes through multiple experiences to learn her lesson and somewhat change her idea of love. Right after her relationship with Joe Starks ended she has gained a bit of sense of what is right and what is wrong about finding her true love. She figures out that true love doesn't come after marriage, it is the special bond that is developed between two individuals as their relationship progressed. Unfortunately for Logan Killicks the bond didn't progress that far and her relationship with Joe progress a little bit in the beginning but stopped. Hopefully her relationship with Tea Cake is better that the previous two.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


       I am very thankful to Adam and Quincy for being in Mr. McCarthy's English II class. Their ability to keep a discussion really makes the class interesting. They always seem to have an answer to every one of Mr. McCarthy's questions, which sometimes develops into a strong debate of one thing and another. Without them, the class would not be as talkative during discussions as it would be now. I am also very thankful for everyone else in the class; the class is a great blend of different and unique people. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2014


           Imagine a world without trust and honesty. A world where everyone is striving to survive on their own; chaos is inevitable. Much like "The Road", a world without trust would be chaotic. One of the reasons the man and the son avoid as much contact with other humans. They avoid other humans because of the fear of their trust being betrayed. A man may not seem what he looks like at first so never trust every person you meet, not until you are sure that person is trustworthy. Trustworthiness and Honesty are principles that we should always keep. Trust: "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something", In "The Road", the man and the child have strong trust on each other. This strong bond of trust between them has lead them to great distances and they have managed to survive in the worst conditions. Lack of trust would not have gotten the man and child to far. With trust comes honesty. If you trust someone never keep secrets from them, you should be honest. If you're not honest to a person then you have broken the trust between you and the that person. Trustworthiness and Honesty are key principles that should not be forgotten when even in the worst moments.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

          Ernest Hemingway is one of the most gifted novelists that has ever walked the earth. Hemingway was brave and strong; his whole life fighting a physical, mental, and emotional war. He was strong and resilient, never giving up when the going gets though. Hemingway was widely known in many ways, but he was known more in history of writing.
         Hemingway's life was filled adventure, most of his stories in fact were inspired by his adventures. When Hemingway's was 19 years old he served in the military and experienced many new and traumatic things that he has not seen before. Many of these experiences was written down and turned into stories by Hemingway. He uses Nick Adams, a fictional character in Hemingway's book that he uses to portray himself in his stories. Hemingway was also big in deep sea fishing and big game hunting; it inspired many of his books like The Old Man and the Sea. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.
        As Hemingway was achieving fame with his writings and stories, Hemingway was fighting a war emotionally. Having four wives in his lifetime that he competed with and argued with, he fights a war with depression that soon takes his life. Having inspired many writers to apply his writing styles to their work; he has really left a made a life in the century. Ernest Hemingway is truly a great man and a notably great novelist.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

6 Word Stories

Engagement ring, wedding ring, then suffering.

The land shook, and hearts shaken.

Stained by history, nobody dare knocks.

Its summer outside yet she's cold

The Happy Birthday that never came.

See the light? It's coming closer...

Monday, September 22, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

     John Proctor: Hero or Stooge? We all know that John was a respected man; a man that was looked up to but is that enough to conclude that he should get the title of "Hero". In my opinion I thought that John was both a Stooge and a Hero. Why is he a Stooge? Even though he knows that he has no more feelings for Abigail, he still tells her that "he may think of her softly from time to time". That gave Abigail the thought that their could still be a chance for them to be together. John was being played by Abigail, she knows that if John confesses about his crime of adultery he would face the consequences. John is hesitant whether or not he should confess or not. Time goes by and countless of people have been drag into this chain of accusations and all he to do to stop it was to confess and face whats coming for him. If he had confessed before all of this happened, this chain of accusations could have been prevented. The title Stooge fits him well at this time of the play. Time has passed and a number of people have been already sent to the gallows and when his wife had been accused of witchcraft, he knew he needed to put a stop to this. He confesses to his crime of adultery to save wife, Elizabeth. He knew what he had to do to save his wife and to show her that he loved her. John Proctor deserves the title of hero for his noble act.

There Goes The Neighborhood

       They came with giant canoes that could fit hundreds of people. They looked unusual, nothing that i have ever seen before, tall and white in skin. They spoke in a weird language and had an usual form of scripture. I first saw this scripture of the side of their great canoes, it said "Santa Maria", nothing that i have heard before. Curious they where, poking around trees and bushes as if they haven't seen this type of plant. The white folk took birds, rodents, and other animals; they put them in cages and examined them. As they where taking our native animals, they released unusual creatures of their own into the wood. We stayed hidden for the time being and watched closely as these people roam around and venture into our land.
        A day goes by and the white folk seems to be establishing a settlement near the shore where the great canoes where beached. We decide to interact with these people and greet them with open arms, they seem to be nice... we where wrong. As we came to greet them, they started yelling and pointing at us. Screams in their language was everywhere and the white folk started to run after us with nets and weapons. We ran back into hiding but they kept coming after us from everywhere... I lost a good friend that day.
       Years went by and they brought chaos from their homeland; more and more great canoes came carrying more of their kind. They brought disease and death with them, our riches where stolen right from our hands. They brought war upon our land, fighting with guns and cannons; it was chaos brought upon our land... There goes the neighborhood.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Me by: Ryan Joshua Escasa

              My name is Ryan. I go to Whitney Young High School; I went to Sauganash Elementary up north before I graduated.Whitney Young was my first choice because of how competitive and challenging the school is, it is a truly a school of champions. I was excited to move up into a new challenging level in both academics and sports. I love sports, my main sport is swimming and I hope to swim throughout my high school and college years. I was in the varsity team of swimming during my freshmen year, it was an unbelievable experience. It is more competitive than club swimming since you have to work as a team to rack up points every event so the you could win the meet or competition. We won city for the fifth time my first year here at Whitney, and I hope that streak goes on for years to come. Another sport I love to do that is closely related to swimming, is water polo. Water Polo is the most difficult sport, it is a combination of many other different sport but it is also in the water; a very adrenaline pumping sport. I also wish to take both of these sports to another level: college level. I would like to go to the University of Iowa, I'm a fan and the swim program there is remarkable. Sports is mainly my personal favorite thing to do. That's how i mostly spent mys summer, hanging out with friends and playing sports. Aside from sports related activities that I do, I'm really good at sketching or drawing. I use to draw a lot but not as much now so I was probably better when I was a year back than now. I like to draw random stuff and make them abstract; just a thing I like to do. Many things inspire me to do draw and its most likely something unique. something that would actually stand out.