Wednesday, November 26, 2014


       I am very thankful to Adam and Quincy for being in Mr. McCarthy's English II class. Their ability to keep a discussion really makes the class interesting. They always seem to have an answer to every one of Mr. McCarthy's questions, which sometimes develops into a strong debate of one thing and another. Without them, the class would not be as talkative during discussions as it would be now. I am also very thankful for everyone else in the class; the class is a great blend of different and unique people. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2014


           Imagine a world without trust and honesty. A world where everyone is striving to survive on their own; chaos is inevitable. Much like "The Road", a world without trust would be chaotic. One of the reasons the man and the son avoid as much contact with other humans. They avoid other humans because of the fear of their trust being betrayed. A man may not seem what he looks like at first so never trust every person you meet, not until you are sure that person is trustworthy. Trustworthiness and Honesty are principles that we should always keep. Trust: "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something", In "The Road", the man and the child have strong trust on each other. This strong bond of trust between them has lead them to great distances and they have managed to survive in the worst conditions. Lack of trust would not have gotten the man and child to far. With trust comes honesty. If you trust someone never keep secrets from them, you should be honest. If you're not honest to a person then you have broken the trust between you and the that person. Trustworthiness and Honesty are key principles that should not be forgotten when even in the worst moments.