Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Rez

          In "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian", we can see the clear separation between the type of people in the neighborhood. In the book the separation is mostly based on race. Junior lives in an reservation where other Indians live as well, you rarely see white folk going through the reservation. Junior rarely leaves the reservation because he fears the new things that he might encounter outside the reservation. Junior also notices a number of separations, separations in opportunity and looks. Junior has is different from other the other Indians, he has some physical problems that separates him from the other children but he is not alone in his struggles. He also notices that white folk have better opportunities that colored folk since white folk attend better schools than the Indians. Junior finally realizes that in order break this separation he has to do something that no other Indian has done, leave the Rez forever and live amongst the white folk. He does this by making the decision of attending Reardan High School, a school that is outside the Rez and is mostly populated by white children.
          In my neighborhood there is kind of a separation but it is not as clear, there are two separation. These separations deal with both wealth and race. The first separation is the separation of race between white people and other races. The separation is made by Peterson Street, one side is mostly white people and one side is a majority of many various races. The other separation is a separation of  the wealthy and the middle class. In one area of the neighborhood there is are a few streets that are filled with big houses almost mansion like. In the other side there are regular houses that are owned by the middle class. These separations may not be as defined but they are there and they exist.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Native Son

        In  Book Three of Richard Wright's Native Son, Bigger is finally put into trial for his crimes. Max, Bigger's lawyer, gives a speech of confession in Bigger's behalf. He talks about how Mary Dalton's Murder was not of Bigger's fault. Bigger was pressured by the white people that controls the whole situation. The African Americans are controlled by the more dominant white society. The African Americans have no freedom and every wrong doing that they do is always caused by the pressure of the white society. Max states that Bigger did what he did to Mary Dalton because he was pressured to do it and and he had no other options. This really shows the theme of political corruption and how African Americans societies are isolated from other societies.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Green Lights, Yellow Cars, and Church Steeples

               The Great Gatsby is a novel about the pursuit of the American Dream. Green Lights pertaining to a goal that is to be reached by a person. In the novel we can see that the green light across the lake and on Daisy's dock represents something for Gatsby. For Gatsby, that green light is much more important to him than any other. Gatsby does whatever it takes to reach his goal and finally reach and grab the green light. Owning yellow cars and a house with towers that may seem to be church steeples; to represent his wealth and hopefully attract Daisy. Owning these various objects in order to better his social class and win the heart of his long love. All of these just for the American Dream.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


          Janie is a young woman whose vision of love has been blinded by the society and people around her. Janie is a beautiful young woman; having the qualities of the perfect woman and would make the every man adore her. Although she is beautiful and looking for love, her idea of love is filled with false information. Her idea of love has been corrupted by the people around her; people say that she should marry immediately because she is too young to be on her own. Her grandmother is the greatest contributor to Janie's false idea of love, saying that love will come eventually after she marries.  Janie goes through multiple experiences to learn her lesson and somewhat change her idea of love. Right after her relationship with Joe Starks ended she has gained a bit of sense of what is right and what is wrong about finding her true love. She figures out that true love doesn't come after marriage, it is the special bond that is developed between two individuals as their relationship progressed. Unfortunately for Logan Killicks the bond didn't progress that far and her relationship with Joe progress a little bit in the beginning but stopped. Hopefully her relationship with Tea Cake is better that the previous two.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


       I am very thankful to Adam and Quincy for being in Mr. McCarthy's English II class. Their ability to keep a discussion really makes the class interesting. They always seem to have an answer to every one of Mr. McCarthy's questions, which sometimes develops into a strong debate of one thing and another. Without them, the class would not be as talkative during discussions as it would be now. I am also very thankful for everyone else in the class; the class is a great blend of different and unique people. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2014


           Imagine a world without trust and honesty. A world where everyone is striving to survive on their own; chaos is inevitable. Much like "The Road", a world without trust would be chaotic. One of the reasons the man and the son avoid as much contact with other humans. They avoid other humans because of the fear of their trust being betrayed. A man may not seem what he looks like at first so never trust every person you meet, not until you are sure that person is trustworthy. Trustworthiness and Honesty are principles that we should always keep. Trust: "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something", In "The Road", the man and the child have strong trust on each other. This strong bond of trust between them has lead them to great distances and they have managed to survive in the worst conditions. Lack of trust would not have gotten the man and child to far. With trust comes honesty. If you trust someone never keep secrets from them, you should be honest. If you're not honest to a person then you have broken the trust between you and the that person. Trustworthiness and Honesty are key principles that should not be forgotten when even in the worst moments.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

          Ernest Hemingway is one of the most gifted novelists that has ever walked the earth. Hemingway was brave and strong; his whole life fighting a physical, mental, and emotional war. He was strong and resilient, never giving up when the going gets though. Hemingway was widely known in many ways, but he was known more in history of writing.
         Hemingway's life was filled adventure, most of his stories in fact were inspired by his adventures. When Hemingway's was 19 years old he served in the military and experienced many new and traumatic things that he has not seen before. Many of these experiences was written down and turned into stories by Hemingway. He uses Nick Adams, a fictional character in Hemingway's book that he uses to portray himself in his stories. Hemingway was also big in deep sea fishing and big game hunting; it inspired many of his books like The Old Man and the Sea. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.
        As Hemingway was achieving fame with his writings and stories, Hemingway was fighting a war emotionally. Having four wives in his lifetime that he competed with and argued with, he fights a war with depression that soon takes his life. Having inspired many writers to apply his writing styles to their work; he has really left a made a life in the century. Ernest Hemingway is truly a great man and a notably great novelist.